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Filtering by Tag: Classical Pilates

An Interview with Nathalie Gonthier-Thomas

Westwood Pilates

by Yuuki Yamagiwa

Nathalie Gonthier-Thomas first discovered Classical Pilates after her pregnancy. She decided to become certified to deepen her practice and share the benefits of Pilates with others. She discovered a passion for teaching during her training and was certified through the Pilates Technique Certification Program with Jill Cassady.

Read on to learn more about Nathalie, including what inspires her as both a teacher and practitioner!

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Taking Charge of Your Practice: A Testimonial to Joe's System

Westwood Pilates

by Yuuki Yamagiwa

My body feels different every time I step onto the reformer. There will be days when I feel great. And then there are days when my old rib injury will take over my breathing and take me a few steps back in my twisting motions. Other days, my shoulder injury often creates a crooked imbalance between my right and left sides.

So how do we know what exercises our bodies really should be working on?

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The Book of Reformer: Chapter One and Two

Westwood Pilates

By Mela Debiase

Recently in a group class, one of my students was finishing up her Kneeling Thigh stretch on the Reformer and hopped off saying “So next I should set up for Frogs and Circles because I have to do that Corkscrew chapter right?  Corkscrew, Tic Toc, Frogs and Circles….”.  She has not yet learned the Arm Circles, Snake/Twist, and some other exercises on the list, so I said yes.  She then told me how her order is making so much more sense to her now, and that she sees her exercises grouped together in chapters.  Each chapter being a different little story for her body.  Well I tell you I was beaming from ear to ear hearing this!  Yes! Yes! Yes! She gets it, I didn’t even have to tell her, she feels it in her body.

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