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2076 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 446-1720

Grow stable roots for a happier, healthier you


Clients Corner

Mark Fulenwider

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

I’ve been practicing for about a year and a half.

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

I played organized sports (soccer and basketball) while in junior high and high school. Once I went to college I shifted to becoming a competitive martial artist. That became my primary focus for several years until I transitioned into the stunt industry. Since then, I have been training a variety of skills, but all very much focused on physical performance. Due in large part to the physical activities I do, I have been dealing with back and spine issues for over 25 years. Things eventually deteriorated to the point where I couldn’t step down off a curb without the impact causing shooting pain in my lower back. I was doing physical therapy and getting deep tissue massages to help alleviate the worst of the pain, but I was definitely looking for something that could help me reverse the downward spiral of my back health. 

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

I was directed to reach out to Westwood Pilates by my massage therapist. She had trained with Daniela in the past and mentioned how Pilates could really improve the way I moved and carried myself. I ended up training with Nathalie at the Mar Vista location, but the Classical Pilates training with all the attention on the fine details of the movements absolutely changed my overall pain levels and back health. Given the change that has made in my life, I see no reason to go anywhere else.

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

I continue to struggle with the Teaser on the Reformer. It takes a lot of concentration and proper setup to keep my shoulders from wanting to take over. I think it is the hardest because it starts in an arched position and reconnecting my back to the box before lifting makes it feel like twice the exercise when compared to doing a Teaser on the Mat or Cadillac. 

WP: If you were to have a conversation over the dinner table with Joseph Pilates himself, what would you ask or tell him?

I would just have to thank him for what he developed and discovered as it has made a huge difference in allowing me to live a (relatively) pain-free life.

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Doing Pilates made me aware of how I was positioning my hips and spine and why that was leading to constant pressure on my lower back. I still have a bad habit of sitting and standing in bad positions, but once I feel the tension building in my spine, I am able to realign myself and reengage my core which will help alleviate the problem before it gets too bad.

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

I have only ever done Classical Pilates, but I recommend it specifically for anyone who is dealing with chronic body pains. Having a good instructor who will be able to identify the proper way to do the movements is also key. Some of the issues I have with my body come from the fact that I pushed myself to train with improper form. I think the real magic in Pilates is not the movements themselves, but how you do them and I would be afraid that much of that would be lost in a classroom where the focus is more about getting a good sweat on.

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

The thing I am currently training the most is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I also do some basic punching, kicking, and gymnastics throughout the week as part of my stunt training. As I mentioned before, when I started Pilates, I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to do any of these things for much longer. Doing Pilates definitely helped me find ways to adapt my movements and keep them from aggravating my back and joints so much. Given that I am approaching the end of my first half-century, I do need to be careful about how I push myself in all physical activities. However, Pilates has gotten me to the point where I can do much of what I could do over a decade ago. In fact, I could probably push myself further, if I really wanted to, but these days long-term health is a bigger priority than big explosive tricks.

WP: How is Pilates helping you in your work life?

My work life, my hobbies, and my passions have been intertwined for the majority of my career. My body is very much the instrument that I use in all of those things, but I have not done the best job with maintenance over the years. It was not until starting Pilates that I truly started to understand the idea of “Movement is Medicine” and it has made a huge difference in keeping me going in all aspects.

Jenn Korchevsky

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

I have been practicing pilates for 11 months. Next month marks my one-year pilates anniversary!!

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

I don’t really have an athletic background. I started my weight loss journey in September 2022 and wanted to incorporate a consistent workout that I would love. I found Westwood Pilates and with the right diet, it’s helped me lose 70 pounds in a year. Pilates has helped me tone and build core strength.

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

I chose Westwood Pilates initially out of convenience. I used to live 3 blocks away and walk to class. But now the instructors and everyone I do classes with have become like family! It’s a very warm and welcoming environment. Everyone is supportive no matter what level of skill you have.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

I do pilates mostly 2 or 3 times a week.

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

I also go on hiking trails a couple of times weekly and I notice that I am not out of breath as quickly when going uphill. Pilates has helped me learn to use the strength from my core so I don’t wear out my legs. I just feel better overall.

Tricia & Nick

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?  

Tricia & Nick - We recently started practicing Pilates, starting in June 2022.  

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.  

Tricia - I have always been a very active person playing sports growing up and a regular workout routine since my teenage years. I always knew about Pilates but never had an interest in trying it, mainly because I don't enjoy large format classes. The one-on-one model at the Mar Vista Studio was very intriguing and Pilates is something a number of my friends were already practicing. It was perfect timing when the new studio opened up! 

Nick - I played hockey and soccer growing up and ran XC in college. I've always enjoyed distance running, but knew that if I didn't work on strengthening my core and improving my flexibility, it would lead to problems later down the road. I'd heard people rave about the benefits of Pilates and decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did!

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?  

Tricia & Nick - At the beginning it was a convenience factor as the new Mar Vista Studio is within walking distance from our house. That quickly changed and now we both go to Westwood Pilates for the instructors, Nathalie and Francine. Both are absolutely fantastic and have help us make Pilates part of our regular routine. 

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life? 

Tricia - with Pilates the biggest difference to my everyday life is how I carry myself (I feel like I am standing a little taller) and my stress level as decreased. Pilates has been a great addition into my everyday life and now I am regular taking 3 classes per week! 

Nick - I've found that I'm more cognizant of how I am moving my body and what muscles I am engaging to perform certain movements.  

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?  

Tricia - I would say you just have to try it. I had a preconceived notion that Pilates wasn't going to be challenging enough and the only way to get the results I wanted was to weight train and cardio. What I quickly realized is that Pilates was so much more than I understood it to be. I have had better results from Pilates than from any other regular workout routine I have done. Plus you have the added bonus of simply feeling good. 

Nick - Stick with it. It’s very foreign at first, but over time you'll see the results and feel much better!

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities? 

Tricia - when I can find the time I also like to fit in 5 mile walks a couple of times per week.  At the moment I have dropped my other weight training and focus mostly on Pilates. 

Nick - Mostly running and Pilates has helped tremendously.  My posture is better, I can run for longer distances without getting as tired due to increased core strength and I feel less sore after a long run due to increased flexibility. 

Titia Murphy

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

Titia: I have been practicing Pilates for 15 years.

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates. 

Titia: Growing up I was always involved with sports. I was a runner and am currently a cyclist. Unfortunately I had to give up running due to bad knees, but continue to cycle on a regular basis.

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

Titia: I chose Westwood Pilates because I prefer to practice Classical Pilates. I love the studio! It’s small and a perfect calming space. I also appreciate the patience and expertise of the instructors.

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

Titia: The most challenging exercise for me is the horseback on all of the equipments. It truly requires a mind body coordination. Every time

WP: Which Pilates equipment do you like working with best (Cadillac, Reformer, Wunda Chair, Barrel, Mat)? Why?

Titia: I love the Wunda chair. I like the challenge that it gives me. It makes me feel lengthened, strengthened and centered.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

Titia: I practice Pilates twice a week. I look forward to it every time. It is my self-care and the only time that I can really focus on me.

Caitlin Doak

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

Caitlin: I have practiced for about four months now and already feel a huge difference!

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

Caitlin: I hurt my hip playing soccer which then led me to discover that I have a connective tissue disorder. This is when I turned to Pilates to strengthen my back and it has proven to be the perfect low-impact workout that strengthens my muscles, especially in my hips, shoulders, and back.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

Caitlin: 2-3 times a week!

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

Caitlin: It is a space that is conducive for personalized, low impact training with great instructors that really care about your well being. Francine pushes me to do my best while making class always so fun.

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Caitlin: When I am sitting in class or standing in lines, I focus on tightening my core and standing tall to have better posture.

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

Caitlin: Have fun with it and be comfortable with the uncomfortable!

Donna Polichar

WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

Donna: I had been thinking about trying Pilates. A friend in the neighborhood was walking by the studio and brought me a business card. I called and scheduled my first introductory class with Daniela in May 2014 and I never stopped taking classes with her. 

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

Donna: I have definitely gotten stronger, especially my upper body, and I have improved my overall muscle tone and endurance for the workout. I like the challenge of focusing on form during the exercises and recognizing when I am doing them correctly (and incorrectly). 

WP: What's your favorite exercise?

Donna: Well, my least favorite is Swimming.  My favorite exercise isn’t the easiest one, but the one that I know has improved the most: Teaser.

WP: What would you say to someone who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

Donna: I would definitely recommend Westwood Pilates. I’ve only worked with Daniela and Ken, but I am sure that the other teachers are equally professional and friendly. I think this studio would suit beginners and advanced level students alike. 

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

Donna: In addition to my weekly Pilates, every day I either walk 3 miles or do an aerobic step bench program at home (while I watch mindless TV for 45 minutes). I think Pilates has helped improve my overall stamina and helps me remain in good physical condition for my age.

Alex Freedman


WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

 Alex: Two years. 

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

Alex: Before coming to Westwood Pilates I tried Pilates at a couple of other places and was left with the impression that it was a slow-paced exercise that was too focused on form. At Westwood, I learned that Pilates can actually be an athletic, dynamic workout. The instructors give you space to get a real workout each session while also helping you develop and improve your form over time. 

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why? 

Alex: Tendon stretch: for me, it's the exercise that requires the most difficult combination of flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and pace. 

WP: Which Pilates equipment do you like working with best (Cadillac, Reformer, Wunda Chair, Barrel, Mat)? Why? 

Alex: The Reformer. I like the range of motion it provides in a workout and that I can really get into a flow on it. Plus it's really fun doing head stands on it. 

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life? 

Alex: Pilates has made me aware of how to use my whole body and generate strength from my core. This has really helped me improve my performance in tennis and swimming, my other big physical hobbies. 

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before? 

Alex: It’s really hard at the start, but if you commit to it, it'll make you stronger and fitter than any other type of exercise.

Alison Mackenzie


“I've been practicing Pilates a little over one year now.  I no longer have any back pain, which has transformed my life. It's made me much more aware of my posture and my core. I think it's made me stronger for when I do other activities like skiing and biking.” - Alison Mackenzie

Alison started her Pilates journey a year ago at Westwood Pilates. She had lower back and shoulder tightness and heard Pilates would help. She immediately felt the benefit of the exercises and during the course of the year went from one session a week to two group classes in addition to her weekly Private session. The progress in her practice and the changes in her body really show the difference a year later. She is pain free and rocks at all of the exercises from the mat to the different types of equipment. Her concentration during her practice and her smile at the end of her sessions are the best reward for me to witness as her teacher. - Nathalie Gonthier-Thomas

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

Alison: I have always been active - I love hiking, skiing and biking in particular. I also used to practice yoga.   About 3 years ago I started having pretty intense lower back pain.  My physical therapist suggested that I try pilates to strengthen my core, which would help with my back pain (and was safer for my back than yoga). I found Westwood Pilates and Nathalie and haven't looked back since!

WP: How has this pandemic affected your workouts. Tell us a little bit of your experience with the virtual workouts

Alison: For the first few months of the pandemic, I took Zoom classes with Nathalie. I had great workouts online and appreciated her flexibility to find a way to do Pilates even when we were all stuck at home!  I have been coming to take classes outside the studio since things opened up more over the summer. The classes outside are great and I feel very safe (we are in masks, socially distanced).  It's really nice to be on the reformer or mat doing my exercises in the fresh air. 

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates and how has it changed your life?

Alison: I've been practicing a little over one year now.  I no longer have any back pain, which has transformed my life.  I feel much stronger, especially my core!

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates, and how has Nathalie helped you achieve your goals?

Alison: I found Westwood Pilates online.  It's very convenient and I liked the fact that the studio is focused on classical Pilates, no gimmicks. The studio itself is light and airy and has all the machines you could ever want. Nathalie is very encouraging and supportive of my practice and is always thinking of new ways to help me grow in my practice. Coming to workout at the studio is a very happy part of my day!

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Alison: It's made me much more aware of my posture and my core. I think it's made me stronger for when I do other activities like skiing and biking.  

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

Alison: High scissors and high bicycle on the mat and horseback on the reformer. I find it really hard to find my core and stay in these exercises. But, i am working on them!  

WP: If you were to have a conversation over the dinner table with Joseph Pilates himself, what would you ask or tell him?

Alison: I'd be curious to hear how he developed the flow of the exercises. It is amazing that Joseph Pilates came up with all of these exercises that work so well alone, but even better when you do them as part of an entire workout. 

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

Alison: Keep an open mind about what it can do for you. It took me a while to feel how it was changing my body, but after a few months I could see the difference!


Rickey and Gregg Ackerman


WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

Rickey:  A few years back, I had hamstring surgery.  In my rehab, I was looking for a place to help me with basic stretching exercises to bring it back to normal. Daniela and her partner at the time had a booth at the 20016 Pico Avenue Festival. We loved their enthusiasm and we signed up for a demonstration class for that following weekend.  Three years later we’ve been going once or twice weekly. I need someone who can spur me on to do the Pilates exercises correctly and on a regular weekly schedule.

 Gregg:  We had done Aerobics’ classes for about nine years and all that jumping around took a toll on our bodies. I liked it mainly because I was the only guy in a class of maybe 30 women.  Other men would join the class and then drop out the next week, so I was the lone male in the class for years. That was at least 50% of my motivation. (Ha). After that, Rickey and I were looking for an exercise that was more focused and individualized. Pilates made the most sense.

 WP: How has the pandemic affected your Pilates lessons? Virtual workouts?

Rickey:  Since we do the exercises in our Living Room – I spot more lint on the carpet and end up vacuuming more often. We’ve got a super clean living room.

Gregg: Daniela has been so on top of designing the classes to work technically on Facetime, it’s been no problem. We use the couch and the chairs as virtual Reformer equipment. So it all works.

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

Gregg:  I can pick up quarters and dimes in the Von’s parking lot now, with no problem at all.

Rickey:  It’s definitely helped my flexibility, my arm strength, my back, and hopefully my golf game.

WP: What’s your favorite exercise?

Gregg: Hands down (literally) – hanging by my feet from the Cadillac above to the floor below. It’s a mental exercise as well.

Rickey: Anything on the Cadillac, except hanging!

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

Gregg:  Love hearing Daniela say “There you go!” in that Brazilian accent.

Rickey:  1. Daniela is the best instructor I have ever had. 2. It’s easy to park, the studio is always clean, the equipment is the highest quality, and all of the instructors there are so nice.  Great instructor, great place.

WP: What would you say to someone who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

Gregg: We all need time to make improvements in our lives and Pilates is a really fantastic way to take care of our physical needs. Danielle always says “train your body to learn that it’s ok to bend in ways it is not used to doing.” Not those exact words, but you get the idea.

Rickey: Don’t wait to start. The longer you wait the harder it is.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

Gregg: We both go twice a week.

WP: What other physical activities do you do?

Gregg: Walk, work on the house/yard, golf, sail, and Pilate stretches on the in-between days. Pilates has helped me with all of these.

Rickey:  I have a bookkeeping company which has me working at my computer most of the day. That keeps me from doing as much exercise as I should. So having that scheduled Pilates class weekly “forces” me to set time aside for my physical well-being. Again, it has also helped my overall flexibility when we play golf - if not my actual score.


Matt Messer


Matt is a role model client. He focuses on the work that needs to be done and trusts the System. Pilates, exercise, and a general practice in healthy habits for him are simply essential, nonnegotiable components of his life. While he is a busy business owner and dedicated family man, he plans his schedule around his fitness routine. He knows that when he prioritizes the work he does for himself, he will be better for everyone and everything in his life because of it.

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates and how often do you take Pilates lessons?

I’ve practiced Pilates for 18 years. Currently, I do it twice a week. I started practicing Pilates to help with some lower back issues and neck and shoulder stiffness from stress and years of playing hockey.

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

I think that the Tendon Stretch is the most challenging exercise for me. Recently, Regina and I have been working on single leg Tendon Stretch, and maintaining the connection and form on single leg tendon stretch one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. 

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Whatever I am doing, whether it’s sitting or standing, doing something that’s physically taxing or not, I use what I learn in my Pilates lessons to adjust my posture and to better engage my core. 

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

I would tell anyone to who's curious to give it a shot. I usually prefer playing competitive sports rather than go to the gym. But, Pilates is different. It’s challenging and it’s a real workout, but unlike other forms of exercise, my entire body feels better when I’m done. If you have neck, back or shoulder discomfort, Pilates can really help you.

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities? 

I recently started running long distances and I just completed my first half marathon. When I’m running, I’m constantly connecting my core to help me take the weight out of the lower half of my body. It’s amazing to see how a strong core from practicing Pilates can help to push me through exercise of any kind.


Linda Diamond

Having sat on a child’s chair for 20 years, leaning forward in the hopes of getting a non-engaged child to engage, it occurred to me that my chronic neck and back pain might be associated with my work in my private speech pathology practice.

Serendipitously, one day I was walking along north Westwood Blvd. when I saw a sign for Pilates.  I walked in and spoke with the then owner and liked the “vibe” and the fact that the participants were mostly around my age.  She introduced me to Daniela who was a somewhat new teacher and that was the beginning of my relationship with Pilates.

My 10-year commitment to Pilates coincides with my determination to avoid back surgery.  I know this sounds like a cliché, but “Pilates, and particularly Daniela, has changed my life”.  I’m keenly aware of my posture and I feel Daniela’s “invisible taps” on my shoulders and back through out the day.  I have become physically stronger and certainly much more aware of my posture as I go about my daily activities.


I particularly enjoy the Cadillac where I can roll like a ball, feel my spine get taller, and challenge myself with frogs and circles.  I also find that the magic circles with the long box strengthening my lower abdomen and pelvic floor.

I feel grateful for having found Daniela and happily followed her across the west side until she found the Westwood Pilates studio with the orange awning.  For me, Pilates is like the color orange, energizing and calming at the same time.

Pilates, and particularly Daniela, has changed my life.
— Linda Diamond

Rena Wang


Rena started playing badminton at the age of 11. At 5’2’’, she loved how people of any size and shape would be able to succeed at the sport. Since then, she’s played the sport for 16 years and has competed for Team USA at World Championships and the 2012 Olympics.

WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

I’ve played badminton for over 16 years and more recently incorporated yoga and running into my daily exercise schedule. I was graciously introduced to Pilates through friend that was pursuing an Pilates instruction credential.

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates and how has it changed your life?

I’ve practiced pilates for about 3 months. During this period of time, Pilates has empowered me physically and mentally. Not only has it strengthened my core, enhanced my posture and my body’s range of motion, Pilates has also taught me the power of incremental progress that comes with a consistent practice. The practice is all about the details and the nuances of each posture, which can be applied to anything we do in life. It reminds me of the great level of fulfillment and meaning that can result when we dig deeper than the surface.

WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Pilates has enhanced my body awareness. Since starting pilates, whenever I am driving in the car or sitting at the computer, I take time to readjust my posture and engage my core. It has taught me to prioritize my physical well-being and to listen to my body, so that I can feel and do my best every day.

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

The most challenging exercise for me is rolling like a ball because I have a difficult time rounding my lower back.  

WP: What is your favorite exercise and why?

My favorite exercise would be short spine because I love working with the reformer and the way my body feels when I descend my legs from the air and how the exercise stretches my back and legs.

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

To persevere with the practice because the transformative and positive change it has on your body takes time and it gets more fun as your body gets stronger.


Andre Lancini

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WP: Tell us a little bit about your athletic background and how you found Pilates.

I’ve played competitive basketball all my life, and I’m trying to play professionally. I figured that Pilates could help me fix some imbalances created over the years during the off-season.

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates and how has it changed your life?

I’ve now practiced Pilates for 4 months, and I’ve definitely seen a lot of progress. I learned how to transfer energy better using the core more efficiently when I play basketball and workout. I improved my spine mobility; when I first started, it was hard for me to round it.

Basketball has a lot of jumping, and it definitely took a toll on my back and hips overtime. [Through Pilates], I’ve been able to keep my hips aligned and more even. I definitely learned more about my body and how to control the spine, ribs and glutes.

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates, and how has your instructor Ila helped you achieve your goals?

Westwood Pilates is not far from where I live, and Ila has been awesome so far. Her track background allows her to know what I need as an athlete, and I feel like she understands what I need. She’s always been encouraging and patient, and I can tell that she’s proud of the progress I’ve made, which also shows that she cares about her clients.

WP: What is your most challenging exercise and why?

The most challenging exercise might be the Criss Cross. It requires core strength and a lot of mobility in the spine and ribs to reach up across the body.

WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

I would encourage them to get some private lessons based on their goals, since there’s a lot of details in Pilates, which then become second nature. At first there are many details you need to focus on, and it’s the combination of all those details that allow Pilates to transform your body and to reinforce positive habits for your body during your everyday life or in sports.

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Heather McFarlane


WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

As a college rower and now avid swimmer and yogi, my core has always been my weakest link but as I age, I need to protect my back. I joined Equinox years ago and it came with a free Pilates session. I told my cousin this one Thanksgiving, who has quite severe spinal scoliosis and has taken mat Pilates at her local sports club for years, and she insisted I try it.  So I did. The Pilates instructor at Equinox was an older woman (my Grandmother’s age!) who was fit and graceful. She flew into a pull up on the Wunda chair and I couldn’t even get the pedal to move. After that session, my whole body was sore for 3 days. Obviously, Pilates was something I needed to do.


WP: What has Pilates done for you?

Pilates strengthened my entire core and back, connected my hamstrings to my glutes and returned strength and flexibility to my arms and shoulders post-TOS surgery. I now rarely suffer from mid-back and low-back pain, which is typically the gift after collegiate rowing.


WP: Do you have a favorite exercise?

Is hanging upside down an exercise? Probably short spine – I love the stretch.


WP: Yes, hanging is considered an exercise!  How great is that. Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

Shop local! I have lived in the neighborhood for >10 years and when I knew I needed Pilates in my life, I wanted to find somewhere that was accessible and the instructors knew the right methods to take care for my body.


WP:  What would you say to someone who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

Best investment you can make for the longevity of your body.


WP:  Well said! How often do you take Pilates classes?



WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

I swim, practice yoga, and take some cross-training classes. Pilates helped to connect my shoulders to my core in swimming, elongated and returned flexibility to my body post-surgery. People can’t believe how much I swim even though I had thoracic outlet surgery. In yoga, I always dreaded the core moves at the end of class cause I would shake, cheat and not be able to finish – now I can actually do them!


Brenda Clemens

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WP: How long have you practiced Pilates and how has it changed your life?

I just celebrated my one-year anniversary with practicing Pilates AND the Westwood Pilates studio! I had NO previous Pilates experience, so I have learned a lot over the past year under the guidance of Pamela and Daniela. I started Pilates because I went to bend over and then felt wobbly as I stood up. I was having difficulty with work/life balance and my body was paying the price. My Pilates practice has helped me to physically feel at least 5 years younger.  I am stronger, have better balance and fewer aches and pains….not to mention a calmer mind.


WP:  Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do.

I live in Westwood with my husband and Amber, our labradoodle. My husband and I love to travel, go to movies and walk in nearby neighborhoods and hiking trails. I retired in June from UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center where I was the Director of Quality and Patient Safety. I have two grown sons who are both newlyweds, so I am enjoying having daughters-in-laws now. 


WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates? 

I choose to workout at Westwood Pilates because of the professional, knowledgeable, kind and patient instructors. I do the Contrology classes and always appreciate the small class sizes and individual attention.  Pamela always asks me what my goals are and makes sure that she helps me to reach them. She also always maintains a great sense of humor when I get mixed up and become a little creative…she patiently gets me back on track. 


WP: You practice Pilates around 4 times per week. How do you stay consistent with your practice? What motivates you to come back for a Pilates session? 

I have been able to remain consistent with my Pilates practice for two primary reasons.  First, there is a lot of variation with my sessions between the reformer, mat, Cadillac and the other equipment.  I feel that I am always learning new things and perfecting my practice so there isn’t the boredom factor.  The second reason that I am able to remain consistent is that I am afraid if I stop, my body will return to what it was, and I will lose how Pilates makes me feel.  I see the physical benefits and as I get older I think Pilates will allow me to better enjoy all that awaits.


WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life? What kind of progress have you seen in yourself through your practicing Pilates?

Since I began Pilates, I have become very aware of my posture and what muscles I am using when I do everyday things like driving, cooking, working on the computer or crawling after my great-nephew. I was in an auto accident 8 years ago and thought neck pain was just part of my life. However, with this increased awareness and strength, I no longer suffer from daily pain. I have built long lean muscles in my arms, legs, abs and most importantly my back. Little did I know that Pilates would help me to dance the night away at my son’s wedding and even do the Limbo!


WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

My advice to someone who has never practiced Pilates is not to be intimidated by all of the equipment and commit yourself to 60 days. I bet you will start to see and feel the difference in your body and mind and be hooked!

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Rina Freedman

WP: How long have you practiced Pilates?

 For a long time, about 10 years, but only once weekly until recently. [Rina now takes Pilates twice a week!]


 WP: Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do.

I am a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. I am also a mother of two grown women and grandmother of two grown grandchildren. My husband is retired and used to do Pilates until his health deteriorated.


WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

I met Pamela [Debiase] and she is the best teacher I have ever had. When she opened her  studio, I followed her there and am grateful for her exquisite attention and patience with me.



WP: If you were to have a conversation over the dinner table with Joseph Pilates himself, what would you ask or tell him?

 I would tell him that he created an amazing system for all, not only for dancers. I would tell him that I admire his vision and dedication that he imparts to his followers.


WP: Which Pilates equipment do you like working with best? Why?

I like the Cadillac because it gives me a comfortable sense of space and I like the exercises a lot.  I actually like all of the equipment.


WP: How do you apply Pilates to your everyday life?

Pilates makes me think about my body, my balance and makes me feel lighter and more flexible. I also find an important connection to my work - the receptions, the need for minute attention to words and body language, and the fact that for emotional healing one has to to consistently develop “muscles" and have patience for slow progress. Humor is essential too, and [Pamela] has a sense of humor.


WP: What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone who has never practiced Pilates before?

TRY it for a few weeks!

Amy Jacobson

WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

My good friend at work started taking Pilates and asked me if I would consider starting it also so we could do lessons together. She has since moved out of the area but I am still taking Pilates with Daniela, who has been my Pilates instructor from the very beginning.


WP: What has Pilates done for you?

 Pilates has taught me a lot about my posture and how I carry myself. Being six feet tall since I was a teenager, slouching became second nature. And then sitting at a desk during the day, my shoulders creep up to my ears. Pilates has made me aware of keeping my back straight and my shoulders down. It makes a big difference in how I feel at the end of the day.


WP: What's your favorite exercise? 

Anything that doesn’t take place on the Wunda Chair.


WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

As corny as it may sound, it is because of the people at Westwood Pilates. Daniela has been my instructor forever, so I would follow her anywhere, but she and Pamela have created a studio that is a great place to workout. It’s always spotless, and everyone respects each other’s space. It’s nice to walk in and be greeted by name. And, I know that everyone who teaches there is a true Pilates professional, not someone just using that title.


WP: What would you say to some one who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes? 

 I would tell them to start with five private lessons, just like I did. It gives you a chance to get familiar with the equipment, and also to understand how Pilates is really different than any other type of exercise you may have done in the past. It’s not yoga, it’s not just stretching, and understanding that is what will make the difference in your outcomes.


WP: How often do you take Pilates classes? 

My job got transferred to Santa Monica, so unfortunately I can only come once a week. My hope is that I can get back to Westwood so I can go back to twice per week. That extra class/lesson makes all the difference!

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

I enjoy walking and hiking, and improving my posture helps me walk farther and stay conscious of my breathing.



Zoe Kemper


WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

I started Pilates about 10 years ago and learned about Pilates through my yoga teacher who encouraged Pilates to make my yoga practice stronger.

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

Pilates keeps my muscles super toned and helps with lower back pain.

WP: What's your favorite exercise?

 I love tower on the cadillac, it is great for releasing a tight lower back. But I really enjoy all cadillac exercises because the exercises are so concentrated you can almost feel the fat melting.

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

I choose Westwood Pilates because the instructors are so great, they talk you through the exercises, so you aren't just going through the motions. We also have an awesome independant hour [group class]. The IH was a bit intimidating at first but now the workouts are so fun and beneficial.

WP: What would you say to some one who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

I highly recommend Pilates to anyone who wants a better body, long, lean muscles, and overall improved strength and vitality.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

 I take Pilates classes 2-3 times per week.

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

I also run and practice yoga. Pilates has made my yoga practice much stronger.


Roberta and Paul Marshall


WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

I learned about Pilates more than 10 years ago when I was at a physical therapy session and the therapist put me on the reformer as part of my treatment.  I was hooked immediately and remained with that instructor for about 7 to 8 years.  My enthusiasm was quite contagious since I looked and felt better after each session.  I encouraged my husband, Paul, a retired dentist, to join me in a duo session nearby at Westwood Pilates. Voila, another hooked student!  I continued with my privatelessons and we have been enjoying the duo on Sunday mornings for more than 5 years. 

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

Pilates has done a great deal for our minds and bodies.  It took more than 60 years for someone to tell me that I had good posture.  I was thrilled to hear it.  Paul, who was beginning to round at the shoulders, caught the condition before a bad situation worsened and he is standing taller right now.  We are both more flexible. He plays a better game of golf and we both are proud to rely on our strong cores. When people insist on helping me with heavy objects, my reaction is “no, thank you.”  I pull in my core and move right along.  We are both more than 75 years young!

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

We chose Westwood Pilates because our wonderful instructor, Lesley, relocated there. Today, we remain with her but are extremely comfortable in this environment where we are surrounded by lovely instructors, clients, and up to date equipment. We have continued to be challenged by Lesley who works us harder each month because she can and we want to! We know that we can rely on Pamela and Daniela for good instruction and advice in Lesley’s absence. That is important to people who are committed to the program.

WP:  What would you say to some one who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

If someone we know is interested in taking a Pilates session, we eagerly recommend Westwood Pilates.  We are proud to share our experience with others, younger and older, who are looking for a better and healthier lifestyle.  Pilates puts you on that path and teaches you how to continue getting the most out of the program.  I cannot tell you how many times a week I refer back to something I learned in Pilates that helps me through a challenge or difficult situation. 

WP: What other physical activities do you do besides Pilates and do you feel Pilates has helped you in these activities?

Because we are so tuned into our well being, Paul enjoys his golf 3 times per week and on the alternate days, he walks through UCLA estimating a distance of 5 miles per walk. Pilates has played a major role in this achievement.  Strong legs, a strong core, and a strong mind are qualities that Pilates has enhanced for him.  I work out at home at least 4 to 5 times per week riding a stationery bicycle 35 to 40 minutes and then I alternate between mat exercises and weights for my upper body. Needless to say, discipline is another result of the program.  Pilates inspired us more than any other exercise program we have known and we will continue to work the program as long as we can get to the studio!


Ethie Hitter


WP: How did you learn about Pilates and what made you start taking classes?

I began my Pilates instruction in 1997 at the age of 49. I was approaching menopause and my Ob/Gyn suggested that I undergo a “Bone Density” Test. The results were rather dismal. I had very low bone density. This really came as no great surprise to me. I had never set foot in a gym. I did very little exercise what so ever. My girlfriends only went to the gym for one reason, to lose weight. As I did not have a weight problem, I never joined them. My doctor suggested that I should begin doing more weight bearing exercises. Since I enjoyed some occasional Yoga, Pilates seemed somewhat similar and I thought it would be a good fit. I was absolutely right!

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

I enjoyed the Pilates even more than the Yoga. In addition to the need to increase my bone density, I was aware that at my age it was very important to strengthen my core. I knew that my spinal cord would compress with age. Well, Pilates has successfully done that. Seriously, I think that I might be able to bounce a dime off my abs. They really feel that flat and strong!  I strongly advice those of us of “a certain age” to practice Pilates. Supporting our spinal column with our abs and posterior is really very important.

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

I take private lessons twice a week. I buy a group of 10 lessons, which helps to reduce the cost.

WP: Why do you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

As you can imagine, I have had a variety of pilates instructors over the years. I honestly feel that Pamela is the best that I have ever experienced. She is very professional. It’s uncanny how she sees the slightest incorrect movement that I am making and she corrects me. Pamela is also very true to Joseph Pilates’s methodology, which I think is important. Honestly, I am glad that she is so much younger than me. I intend to practice with her until she retires!


Valerie Antonini


WP: How did you learn about pilates and what made you start taking classes?

In all honesty and in the spirit of full disclosure, I have never been the type of person who found pleasure in working out.  Yes, it’s true.  I always wondered what I was missing, but it just never clicked for me when I would go to the gym or take a jog around my neighborhood. 

I tried everything: different aerobic class styles, step classes, bar method, hip hop dance, salsa, boxing, treadmill, elliptical, yoga, spinning, and just plain old circuit and weight training at the gym.  But you’d take a 45-60 minute class and THEN you have to work the other parts of your body you didn’t get to in order to work out your entire body.  My interest and motivation would fade, getting sweaty really only added to my laundry pile, and it was tough to fit it all into my busy schedule regularly. 

The only thing I was doing regularly was wasting money through a gym membership that did not hold me accountable.   So, I was looking for the “magical exercise routine” that would keep my interest; one that I really believed was impacting my whole body; and one that I could do in 1 hour start to finish.  Long story short, a friend’s referral led me to try Pilates.  Perhaps I got lucky, but I liked it from the first workout, felt sore in the right places, and knew right away that I was impacting my body from the inside out.  Cut to now (10 years later) and I still love it. 

WP: What has pilates done for you?

Pilates has provided me a strong foundation of strength, balance, and resilience in and from my CORE.  During my time doing Pilates with Daniela Escobar, I have gone through two pregnancies.  Needless to say, the female body goes through a ridiculous change and expansion when pregnant. 

What I found was that continuing to do Pilates (a modified version, of course) before, during, and after pregnancy led me to keep up my strength and feel healthy during this process.  I strongly believe that it helped in my process to support my body as it went through these transformations and, as a bonus, return back to my slim and strong shape.

Daniela tells me that I seem stronger now than I did prior to my first pregnancy.   Who knew!?  Equally as important, Pilates also helped me mentally because it allowed me to feel confident that I was actively working to take care of my body, my babies, and ultimately my family.  I believe that a healthy mommy leads to a healthy family.  It just fits for me.

Daniela is a wonderful partner in my exercise and health regime, not only for her wealth of knowledge and persistent drive to excel as an expert Pilates instructor and champion, but also because she keeps me accountable.  She is invested in me, just as I am invested in her to keep this partnership going.  Her contribution has made all the difference for me.  

WP: What would you say to some one who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

Do not hesitate!  Jump in!  It is good for everyone and anyone, any age, any physique, any ethnicity, and any gender!  However, it is imperative to get one-on-one attention.  Your body WILL cheat!  I am astounded by how it does this!  Even after years and years of doing these exercises, we will eventually (and very quickly) do exercises wrong if we don’t get corrected on the regular.   Scoop! Shoulders down!  Breathe!

WP: How often do you take Pilates classes?

I wish more, but I can only manage it financially 1 x per week.  I do semi-private sessions with my sister which means extra bonus family time.   


Marilyn Osborn


WP: How did you learn about pilates and what made you start taking classes?

I am a writer by profession and I first started taking Pilates to combat the ill effects of a sendentary job.  I spend hours in front of the computer and another writer told me that Pilates would not only keep my body in shape, but help lengthen my muscles and strengthen my core, which in turn, would improve my posture.  She was right, and I’ve been taking classes ever since! 

WP: What has pilates done for you?

Pilates has done many things for me.  But the most significant and surprising thing it has done is help me relax.   I work long hours, often on stressful deadlines.  But after a class, I always feel reguvinated.  This, because Pilates draws it’s strength from a mind/body connection.  Once I learned how to make that connection, the rewards were both physical and mental health.  I actually look forward to my workouts and hate to miss them.

WP: What's your favorite exercise?

I could do short spine and frogs all day.  But I like them all! 

WP: Why did you choose to do your workouts at Westwood Pilates?

I started coming to Westwood Pilates because they are near my house.  But I stayed because of the excellent instructors.  I have taken classes at several different studios, but the instructors at Westwood Pilates have a remarkable ability to both communicate and inspire.  They are truly passionate about what they do, and committed to keeping you challenged and growing.  They’re constantly helping me make new connections and as a result, the excercises are becoming increasingly effective and changing my body in ways I never felt possible.   

WP: How often do you take classes?

I take three classes a week.  And at Westwood Pilates that’s affordable because they have fantastic group classes, both reformer and mat.

Harold Woodley

Harold Woodley first came to Westwood Pilates encouraged by his wife Erin who is passionate about Pilates and a long time client of Daniela. He became a Pilates enthusiast himself and his dedication and consistency was the main reason he was picked to be our first featured client. Harold is extremely focused and is always trying to improve and have a deeper understanding of the Pilates method.


WP: How did you learn about Pilates? 

•   I learned about Pilates from my wife.  She loves Pilates so much that it inspired me to give it a try.

WP: What has Pilates done for you?

•   It has helped me to strengthen muscles that I was not working doing other exercise or activities.  It has also made me more aware of my body structure as a whole and as a result has improved my flexibility and mobility.

WP: what's your favorite exercise?

•   It's difficult to pick just one.  I really enjoy movements like Jack Knife, and Short Spine but strangely enough my "favorites' will be the movements I don't do particularly well because I want to get better at them e.g. Teaser or Tendon Stretch.  Actually upon further consideration Half Hang is my favorite; it feels so good.

WP: why did you choose Westwood Pilates to do your workouts?

•   It was thanks to my wife's opinion as to how great the instructors are.

WP: What would you say to some one who tells you they are interested in taking Pilates classes?

•   I'd tell them Pilates is the truth but that they need to listen to their body to get it.  I'd also tell them to mix and match group classes & private sessions or duos for a good combination of instruction and cost effectiveness.

WP: Do you think a lot of men are intimidated by or just don't like Pilates as a form of exercise?

•   I'm not sure if it's that men don't like Pilates.  I think it's more common that men simply don't think of Pilates when it comes to a movement/exercise program they might consider.  As for being intimidated by it, I think for any man that is, it would stem from not understanding the nuance of Pilates.  There is a bluntness to the way men usually work out so when they look at Pilates movements being executed there's a tendency to think that it would be easy to "muscle through it" when anyone who does Pilates regularly knows that simply doing it isn't the point but rather doing it mindfully and in control.  It's a journey vs. destination sort of thing.

WP: As a man, do you feel that Pilates works your upper body enough?

•   If you want to look like The Rock, then no.  But if you take a guy who can knock out 30 push-ups with bad form and with no problem but make him do Pilates push ups (for example) I think he'd soon realize that there is plenty of moves that will work out his upper body.

WP: How has Pilates helped you in your daily life?

•   It's made me much more conscious of how I move and even how I don't move.  A good example is when I am driving (most notably on my commute to and from work) and I feel a little discomfort in my back; if I simply think about pulling my stomach to my spine and then do so any discomfort will usually go away quickly.