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2076 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 446-1720

Grow stable roots for a happier, healthier you



A conversation with Francine Rodrigues

Westwood Pilates

What do you love most about Pilates? What frustrates you most?

It's kind of funny how what might frustrate me about Pilates is also what pushes me to keep going. The work seems like it never ends, and when I feel like I've got it down, there's always more to work on and something new to learn. But honestly, that's what I love about it. The challenge keeps me training and committed to getting better.

What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a Pilates student? How about as a Pilates instructor?

Is it too cliché to say that my determination is my biggest strength as a student? I can explain!

As a student, the hardest part is getting started! We put other priorities ahead of us and leave ourselves in the background - sometimes, it's just laziness! LOL. Maybe that's why the Hundred is one of the exercises that students least like. On the other hand, it gives you an inexplicable power because once you beat the Hundred, you feel capable of facing anything! So putting everything aside, prioritizing myself (or simply overcoming laziness), lying down on the equipment, and winning what comes ahead is hard sometimes, but makes me stronger as I educate my mind. This determination to keep going even when I don't want to; is my biggest strength as a Pilates student.

My biggest strength as a teacher is "squeeze the juice" from my students, regardless of their abilities or limitations. However, this could also be my weakness because a Pilates class depends on the dedication of both the teacher and the student, and I can't get frustrated when I notice that I'm more into the lesson than the student is. It's like, come on, let's get excited about it together!

Looking back on your Pilates career, what are you most proud of? What would you say is the best thing about being a Pilates instructor?

When I look back on my career, I'm very proud of every step I've taken to get here! Mainly because I never let myself settle down, I was always looking to learn more and invest fearlessly in my learning. The best thing about being a Pilates teacher is to get connected with amazing people along the way. I am grateful to have many individuals who have positively impacted my life and who I carry with me on my journey.

What would your advice be to prospective Pilates instructors?

It is important never to take shortcuts or rush the learning process. I dedicated 12 years to studying Pilates, and I continue to learn something new every day. While being a great student doesn't guarantee you'll be the best teacher, it certainly doesn't hurt and can be advantageous. The key is to practice, practice and practice some more.

How did you get into Pilates? And who are you certified through? If you had a mentor who was your mentor?

Sorry, but my Pilates story is no fairy tale… I took a class to see what the hell this Pilates was, and I just loved it like everyone else. The difference for me is that it was also a great career opportunity. I did my certification with Power Pilates from NY but at the branch located in Brazil with Aline Haas. I consider Aline is my mentor for life! She was my professor at the university and in my Pilates teacher training, then she was my advisor during the specialization and the master's degree. Also, she was the one who encouraged me to come to the US, and if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here learning directly from the source with Jay Grimes, Daniela, Ken, and all the wonderful teachers I have the pleasure of learning from daily.

How did Pilates change your life?

Where do I start? Pilates didn't just change my career, but made me a much better person! Today I am calmer and more empathetic. I learned to control my breathing, my body, and my mind in the most diverse situations. I've learned that nothing changes if I stay in my comfort zone, which helps me to find comfort in discomfort. I've learned that I'm capable of things that even I didn't believe I'd be able to do - especially after 35! I've learned to take care and put myself first, so I can be at my best to help my l loved ones. And of course, Pilates allowed me to turn my life upside down, to move from South to North, from East to West, from Atlantic to Pacific, and here I am - from the extreme south of Brazil to California.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote?

Movement heals! It's the truest sentence I've ever heard! Movement heals pain, but it also heals sadness, depression, anxiety... and so on!

What do you like the most about Westwood Pilates? And do you have any funny/interesting/remarkable story about your time at the studio so far?

I love how I can feel at home, you know? Westwood Pilates feels like family! It's the most beautiful Pilates community I've ever seen. I have many memorable stories from the studio, but I always remember the first day I came to the studio - it was my third day in the US - and people started talking to me and I couldn't understand much! That scared me! But at the same time, everyone was so warm to me and made me feel welcome, and helped me improve my pronunciation. That's family.