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An Interview with Chanda Hinman


An Interview with Chanda Hinman

Westwood Pilates

By Yuuki Yamagiwa

Chanda’s first encounter with Pilates was in 2009. She immediately fell in love with it and has been practicing ever since. She was certified via the Equinox Pilates Institute and has since founded her own company, Inner Circle Pilates, along with her own jewelry line, Crescent Moon Jewelry.

Read on to learn about Chanda’s love for Pilates, her career transition, and her advice for aspiring Pilates instructors.
What do you love about Pilates?
I love the duality of Pilates. On one hand, Pilates challenges you and requires you to continue to grow and learn. There is always a new twist. On the other hand, it is also a gentle friend when you are injured or you need to recover.
How about challenges? What frustrates you most about Pilates?
For the same reason Pilates is always a challenge, it can also be frustrating. There is no such thing as a perfectly executed exercise and that’s a bit frustrating for a perfectionist. But it’s also something I need to learn, and not just in Pilates!
How has Pilates changed your life?
When I started Pilates, I was a practicing lawyer and I loved the one on one time with my instructor, the focus it required and stress relief it produced. Pilates takes you however you are on any given day - stressed, tired, ready to work hard, post-injury, and everything in between. I was also happy to find a way to stay in shape that did not involve countless reps or running. I became so dedicated to Pilates that, when I decided to make a career change, I thought about all those moments in the studio that made me feel lighter and more energized and I wanted to live my whole life with the purpose of feeling better, more often. It's no exaggeration that Pilates has helped me find my true self.
The passion you have for Pilates and how that has influenced your career change and your “true self” is truly inspiring. What would be your advice for aspiring Pilates instructors?
Take every day as a single day. It can be overwhelming at first because there is so much to know and every client is different. Wherever you are in the learning process is where you are supposed to be.