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Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 446-1720

Grow stable roots for a happier, healthier you



A Conversation with Ken Krech

Westwood Pilates

Ken started working at Westwood Pilates in November 2018 and since then he already left his mark on everyone that meets him. Read what he has to say about his Pilates career and his impressions about the method. Needless to say, it’s going to make you laugh!

WP: What do you love most about Pilates? What frustrates you most?

KK: It keeps me thinking in a physical way.  People try to look beautiful and perfect doing certain exercises. In other words pick pick pick it apart until they can’t move. 

WP: What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a Pilates student? How about as a Pilates instructor? 

KK: As a student I like to keep moving, which is good and bad depending on who the teacher is.   Strength as a teacher - I take it seriously but not too serious. That also could be a weakness.

WP: If you were trying to convince someone who has never tried Pilates before to come to your class, what would you say to them?

KK: I never try to convince someone to take Pilates because if they don’t want to do it I don’t enjoy teaching them. 

WP: Looking back on your Pilates career, what are you most proud of? What would you say is the best thing about being a Pilates instructor?

KK: I’m proud that I stuck with it because there were times when I didn’t like it much.

WP: What would your advice be to prospective Pilates instructors?

KK: It takes time .

WP: How did you get into Pilates?  And who are you certified through?  If you had a mentor, who was your mentor?

KK: I had a little back problem and a friend told me to check it out. I got certified almost thirty years ago by a place I don’t want to give credit to. My mentor is Jay Grimes

WP: How did Pilates change your life?

KK: It gave me a strange career.

WP: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only have one piece of equipment with you, which one would you pick?

KK: Not my favorite but the Cadillac because you can always find something to do on it even up to your dying day.

WP: What’s your favorite inspirational quote?

KK: I have two. “Think with your body and feel with your mind.” and “ Movement is life.”

WP: What’s your favorite thing about being a Pilates teacher?

KK: The people I get to teach.

WP: Do you have a Pilates joke you like to tell your clients, or saying you like to use to make them laugh or keep them upbeat?

KK: Don’t worry about it!!! But it’s not a joke.

WP: What’s your favorite and least favorite Pilates exercise?

KK: I think of Pilates as one big exercise so I like each individual part of The Whole equally. Some parts are more cerebral and some you just have to move and not think.