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Five of Nathalie's Favorite Lower Back Stretches

Westwood Pilates

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By Nathalie Gonthier-Thomas

Stiff lower back?

Looking for stretches to do in the morning?

In this month’s article, I am sharing with you five of my favorite lower back stretches. Images of each with descriptions on how to complete the poses are found below.

Stretch #1 - Supine Twist

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Lay down on your back, with your knees and feet together. Then, move your legs from left to right, to stretch your obliques and the lower back.

Stretch #2 - Reclining Eagle Pose

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While still laying on your back, cross one leg over the other. The leg that is on top will pull the bottom leg towards its side. For example, in this picture the right leg is crossed over the left leg, and is pulling the legs to the right. Slowly uncross your legs and switch sides.

Stretch #3 - Knees to Chest

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Gently pull both of your knees to your chest. Hands should be on the knees. Keep your knee apart, with your feet together. While still pulling your knees to your chest, rock the legs side to side. Make sure to keep your upper body stable.

Stretch #4 - Wide Legged Knees to Chest

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Similar pose to the previous stretch, except open your knees wider than in stretch #3. Move your hands to your shins with your arms inside the open legs. The bottom of your feet should be together. Pull the feet towards your bottom and rock side to side.

Stretch #5 - Windshield Wipers

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Keep the knees and feet in line with the hips, but slightly apart. Then, swing your legs from side to side, keeping the hips relaxed. This is great for the lower back, and abdominal muscles.