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2076 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 446-1720

Grow stable roots for a happier, healthier you



Mat Work and Virtual Learning

Westwood Pilates


by Nathalie Gonthier-Thomas

In the beginning of 2020, I committed to the goal of practicing the Mat work once a day, 6-7 days a week. The full Mat from the Hundred to the Push Ups in the original order. Six months in, I found strength, length, and a general feeling of well-being. It has become part of my daily routine.

By mid March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and consequently, the closing down of the studio, which impacted all of us. Little did I know that my daily mat practice would become everyone's Pilates practice. Without a physical location clients and teachers had to turn to Online sessions and classes, and therefore, the mat was, in most cases, the only option. My journey practicing the Mat daily helped me guide my clients through this transition.

The Mat work at home has been an adjustment, especially because of the lack of support of springs and straps. However, with some help referring back to the equipment like "find your springs, push into the footbar, imagine reaching into the straps/handles, etc ..." there have been some *light bulb* moments, with many understanding the correlation between the equipment and the Mat. Clients gained strength and a better understanding of the Pilates Mat work. As a Pilates lover and teacher, it is very rewarding to witness that.

Working online added to the challenge at first, but also became a source of joy and positivity. Virtual lessons help maintain a connection with the Pilates studio, the teachers, and are keeping us together at a time we all are supposed to stay home and be socially distant. It's our fun time during not so fun times. Also, not having to be at a specific location gives more options to session time, classes and teachers.

There is something for all of us in Pilates, and online learning. As a teacher, I have learned and grown in unexpected ways. Through Pilates and by sharing with my clients my love for teaching and learning, the challenges of the last few months have taught me to adapt: to the situation, my personal emotional journey in riding this wave, and connecting to the emotional journey of my clients as well.

At a more personal level virtual Pilates has connected me with my own parents in a surprising way. Since they are staying home in France, I started to send them short videos of a Mat exercises, one exercise per day. Day one: the Hundred. Day two: the Roll Up, and so on. I wasn't sure they would take on the practice, but I thought they could benefit from watching some exercising ideas. If nothing else, they would get to see me every day. Not only did they try to do most of the exercises, but they also sent me back pictures and videos of them doing Pilates. I am so proud of them, and so happy that I could share my passion with them.


"Change happens through movement and movement heals"
- Joseph Pilates

I am very thankful to everyone who has been keeping up with me and Westwood Pilates by committing to their online sessions.